OPTIMIZE YOUR FERTILITY and Conceive naturally

A 4 Month Private Mentorship designed to improve your fertility and your chances of natural conception.

You're calling in a pregnancy right now.

You want to understand your body and your fertility better.

After years on hormonal birth control, you are completely disconnected from your cycle.

You want to balance your hormones, optimize your fertility and conceive naturally…

But you are getting fed up and feeling frustrated…

You don't know when you're ovulating.

You're confused by all of the conflicting advice in the fertility forums.

And you don’t know what you need to do to have a healthy cycle and optimal fertility.

You have tried all of the 'fertility hacks' and month after month

that dreaded big fat negative appears on the test.


Hi, I'm Holly!

I know firsthand what it’s like to struggle to with imbalanced hormones and suboptimal fertility.

When I stopped hormonal birth control, my period went MIA.

My hormonal system had been turned off during the 9 years while I was taking the pill.

I had also been struggling with anorexia for years...

The pill had been masking the severity of my eating disorder and the havoc it was wreaking on my body.

I spent YEARS trying to regulate my cycle with holistic treatments, supplements, dietary shifts and herbal formulas.

I tried EVERYTHING (or so I thought).

At 22, I was told it would be impossible for me to conceive naturally.

I was told I would need fertility treatments and medications if I ever hoped to have a baby.

Over 10 years later, I conceived my daughter naturally after YEARS without a period!

How did I go from hormonal chaos to natural conception?

Learning The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) changed everything for me.

As an acupuncturist, I knew that the health of a woman's menstrual cycle is central to understanding her health as a whole.

But when I started using FAM, I couldn't believe the amount of information I was able to gain about my body.

I started making diet and lifestyle shifts…

And I received instant feedback from my body on how these changes were improving my hormonal health.

Charting my BBT (basal body temperature) & cervical mucus each day not only allowed me to conceive my daughter naturally...

It also enabled me to assess my hormonal and overall health in a way that labs and other forms of testing simply fail to provide.

It wasn't just about getting pregnant for me.

It was a priority to have a healthy baby and healthy body after pregnancy so I could be the Mom I had always wanted to be.

Now, I have made it my mission to help other women solve menstrual cycle and fertility issues so they can get pregnant when THEY want to.

I want to help you, too.

This is what I created the Confident Conception Mentorship for...

To help you connect to your body, optimize your fertility and conceive naturally.


We begin by assessing your current menstrual cycle and overall health status…

And put together a step-by-step plan so you can start taking action right away…

From there, each of our 60-minute sessions is completely personalized to your current situation and your customized plan.

I will guide you on how to accurately track and chart your cycle using the Fertility Awareness Method...

And guide you through the shifts and changes that will bring your cycle back to a more optimal place.

These include nutrition, lifestyle, supplement and herbal recommendations that support your hormonal health and fertility.

If your cycle has been extremely irregular…

You haven’t been ovulating…

Or your period has been missing for a while…

Don’t worry.

You CAN restore your fertility with the right support.

We will work together to improve your chances of natural conception and make your dream of conceiving a reality.


What would it be like to feel empowered by your connection to your cycle instead of perplexed by it…

And to be able to listen to your body’s cues in a deeper way than ever before?

What could be better than definitively knowing of when you are fertile and when you're not?

To be able to identify your fertile window?

To confirm when ovulation happens?

When FAM becomes part of your routine, you’ll notice when something seems off.

You will understand how changes in your life (diet, travel, work schedule, etc) impact your cycle.

You will be forever empowered to prevent or plan for pregnancy when YOU want to.

On top of that, you will have a monthly health assessment tool.

This is a skill you get to keep for the rest of your life

This is something you can pass down to your daughters…

FAM will completely transform not only your health and wellbeing as a women, but also your life.

You’ll never look back.

If you are fed up with wasting hours of your precious time googling…

Reading articles and blog posts, trying to find the information that will actually help you achieve optimal fertility…

If you're sick and tired of needing a small mortgage for ovulation sticks and magic teas that promise to boost your fertility...

If you don’t want to keep guessing, trying different things, feeling like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall in the hopes that something sticks.

And you’d rather have an expert take the guesswork out of it for you…

Then the Confident Conception Mentorship is for you!

This is for you if you are ready to finally take charge of your body and fertility…

And improve your chances of conception.


4 months FROM NOW…

Being able to fully understand your cycle…

Feeling deeply connected to your body and it’s cues…

Knowing exactly how to track your cycle and identify when you’re ovulating…

Feeling confident about conceiving…

Having the right tools and resources you need to keep optimizing your fertility beyond the mentorship…

To keep your hormones balanced and your cycle healthy.

Ready to get to know your own body better than your gynecologist?


7 private sessions over a 4 month period

Each session is part education and part assessment & action planning for ways to improve your cyclical health and fertility!

Month 1:

Initial Session - I will do a thorough assessment of your menstrual cycle and overall health history from a holistic perspective.

We also cover everything you ever wanted to know about getting an accurate basal body temperature (BBT) reading.

Session 2 - We will cover cervical mucus tracking & charting. This method gets REALLY specific!

Session 3 - We will go over the 'cross-check' method, the method we use to confirm ovulation. We will also cover cervical position tracking & charting (optional).

Month 2:

Sessions 4 & 5 - Now that you have all of the information to accurately track and chart your cycle, we will spend the remainder of our sessions together optimizing your fertility.

We start with diet + lifestyle shifts and add in supplements, herbal medicine and other treatments as needed.

Month 3:

Session 6 - We will review your chart and make adjustments to diet, lifestyle, supplements or herbs based on what we uncover.

Month 4:

Session 7 - We will review your chart and make adjustments to diet, lifestyle, supplements or herbs based on what we uncover.

[$1,881 Value]

Daily Mon-Fri messaging support from me throughout the program so you are never left unsure what to do next

[$1232 Value]


  • Lifetime access to my digital course "Conscious Conception" [$1,444 Value]

  • Lifetime access to my digital course "Yoni Steaming Fundamentals" [$111 Value]

  • Lifetime access to my digital course "Womb Care" [$111 Value]

  • A copy of the "Fertility Awareness Essentials" eBook [$44 Value]

  • A copy of the "Cyclical Rhythms: The Phases of the Menstrual Cycle & The Natural World" eBook [$44 Value]

  • A copy of the "5 Steps to More Peaceful Periods" eBook [$44 Value]

  • A copy of the "Holistic Fertility Awareness Mentorship Workbook" [$44 Value]

[Total Value $4,955]


You will leave this Mentorship knowing EXACTLY how to chart your cycle, identify your fertile window & improve your chances of conception!