When? - Sat, July 29 at 10 am
Where? - Blue Jasmin Shala, 921 E. Main St., Suite N, Ventura, CA 93001

In-Person Workshop for Women

Discover The Powerful Practice of Yoni Steaming And How You Can Use It To Relieve Period Pain And Optimize Your Fertility

Experiencing painful periods?

Trying to conceive?

Struggling with menstrual cycle issues like irregular cycles, PMS, endometriosis or PCOS?

Learn the benefits of Yoni Steaming and how you can apply this practice in your life to support your womb and fertility!

In this 90-minute workshop you will:

  • Reveal what exactly Yoni Steaming is and how it works

  • Learn about specific situations in which steaming is NOT safe, depending on the phase of your cycle

  • Learn about all the materials you need for an at home steam session so you can get started right away

  • Discover the specific herbs to use for Yoni steaming

  • Learn how you can use steaming to optimize your fertility and improve your chances of conception

When you join this workshop you will also get access to discounted Yoni Steam herb blends created by me (and you won’t have to pay for shipping!)

Early Bird Tickets only $20

Hi, I'm Holly.

After ditching hormonal birth control, my period went MIA.

I spent 10 years trying to get my hormones and my cycle back on track which ignited my passion for women's holistic health and the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM).

FAM changed my life and helped me regulate my cycle as well as conceive my daughter.

I have now helped numerous women connect to their body, feel empowered by their cycle and use this method to optimize their fertility and I want to help you do the same.

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